Life (quick made poem practice)

Life is often littered with heartache and strife.But often is it filled with happiness and delight.So do not dispare when overwhelmed by grief.For it is temporary, as is most things.Poem by Rebecca cotes from jotabouts.comQuick made poems are made in the moment with no corrections to help with spontaneous creation 🙂

Family Tree

The roots of our tree has been poisoned. Poisoned by hate. Poisoned by greed. Did you not know? Love could have been our cure, But instead you added more. Our tree is almost dead. The leafs are withered and ready to fall. Your choices are this poison. Will you not choose us? Will you not…

Tears for Christmas

It’s Christmas time and everywhere you look is full of cheer. But for some of us, this time of year is filled with saddened tears. With loved ones lost we do our best to smile and be gay. After all it’s Christmas time and so it’s time for Christmas cheer.

Nana and Papa

I knew this day would come, But I had planned so far ahead. That we would still be talking and meeting like old friends. To sit outside with Papa And learn to fix the truck. To hear of all your worries. And to laugh and joke about. But all of this is gone now. They’re…

Moments of Fear.

“It’s hard for me to stay.” He said to me today. And I was at a loss for words. I knew not what to say. I thought of all the trials. The fights we’ve had to fight. I understand our life’s been hard. But our loves been there, right? So I closed my eyes and…

Chains of Love

As the chains of love grow heavy, I begin to realize they are pulled down by your disappointments and exhastion at my inability to be what you expect.  To be what you need. And as I try to stay standing.  To do what you ask of me. I feel myself shrinking, weakening. With only the…

Invitation To Forget

I invite you to forget, The day you wish to fade. The one that darkens memories, The one that causes pain. Now look around you slowly. Think, for just a time. Does the loss of such a memory, Calm your tortured mind? Or Perhaps now you’re plagued  By questions of what once was? Are you…

Starting again

And though my path is laid hidden between the rocks, the trees and over rivers and oceans.  At least I can now see the start, the beginning that I believed was no longer there after being lost for so long. 

Poem- inspired 

I wish i was inspired By photos of healthy, fit, women The way I am By photos of cakes and desserts 


Nothing is a truly new. There is always a certain type of problem, Specific types of people and few outcomes. However, the combinations are endless And that is what makes a story. That is what makes us unique.  

Poem-World I Wish To Live In

You are the world I wish to live in. Where the showers are your kisses, The warming light is your embrace, and shivers are caused by your touch. Any ideas of what might make for a good picture to go with this? None of my pictures call out to me and I’m having a hard…