Story Stew #3-Lovers storm

The brisk wind caused his bones to rattle as he pulled his lover closer to him as they continued their travels. It had been their only choice, their only hope to be together, to leave during the middle of the storm. But even he could feel the burden of staying calm weighing on them as…

Writers Block- Kinda

Just a reminder that if anyone wants something critiqued, send me a line. I’m not great for spelling/ grammar, but I’d be happy to give you my thoughts and opinions to use as you see fit. (Even if it involves a trash can *Gasp*) To my wonderful followers; I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything on…


Nothing is a truly new. There is always a certain type of problem, Specific types of people and few outcomes. However, the combinations are endless And that is what makes a story. That is what makes us unique.  

Story Stew #2 Grandmothers Brew

Clasping a lightning bug in my hand. I asked my grandmother for a can. “Whatever for?” She asked me kind. “So I can keep it, so that it is mine.” She chuckled a bit and nodded her head. Denying me, my simple gift. Sadly I looked away to the ground. “The thing about firefly’s.” She…

Story Stew #1 Power

Beneath the calm surface a twinkle caught his eye. For there, lost in the murk of the lakes bottom was something that, simply, did not belong. Rolling his worn sleeve, he dip his arm as deep as he could. Wondering if he had found it. Could it really have been so close all this time?…

Poem- Shattered

And with one word, no matter how simple it had seemed, their world shattered. By, Rebecca Cotes Thank you for taking the time to checkout my poetry! I hope you’ll also visit my site to see more.

Mistakes We’ve Made

When I say the word “criminal” what picture do you paint in your mind? Is it a felon behind prison bars? A thief, sneaking into a home; perhaps at the store, slipping something into their purse? Maybe you see something worse. Perhaps you see the face of someone from your memories. Regardless of who you…

Poem- Drowning Gambler

I don’t have a problem; I know that I will win. If I play a few more times. I will get to win. See! I just won a little, not quite what I have lost. But I’m sure if I keep on going, I’ll win without a doubt. It’s really simple math you see, Someone…

Poem-I need the opportunity

If you expect the worse from me and stop my every path. How can you expect me to do anything but less? I want to have a good life, I have hopes and dreams as well. But without the opportunities, I have no choices, can’t you tell? I’m not asking for a hand out. I…


Thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to hit that like button when they’ve seen something they, well, liked! I’ve just hit 500 and it’s really wonderful to know that the poems and stories I’m putting out there are being enjoyed 😀 Thank you all so much for your support!! Hugs & high…

Poem- Think Not

Remember not the yesterdays. Think not about today. Focus on your future and the decisions you must make. Plan your future actions. Decide whom you shall be. Deciding now will make it easier you see.